WHY: We believe a new paradigm is needed for Patient Experience to improve.

Healthcare has benefited greatly in the last two decades by our increased focus on Patient Experience. Yet we still have far to go towards creating a truly patient-centered healthcare system.

To move forward, we need to shift our perspective of and actions for Patient Experience. We must do things differently.

HOW: We believe in collaboration rather than competition.

There are barriers to accessing the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to shift Patient Experience across the US. When we, all members of the healthcare system, work to remove those barriers, everyone benefits.

We seek fostering collaborative sharing and creation of knowledge and resources by making community created content openly accessible for all to use.

WHAT: We believe we are better together and in community.

Many who work as Patient Experience professionals feel isolated. Isolated within their own organizations and from their PX peers. Community fosters a sense of belonging. “To belong to a community is to act as a creator and co-owner of that community” (Block, 2009).

We have a mutual goal of creating patient-centered healthcare. Let's collectively – PX and all healthcare professionals - work to achieve this and remove the silos that isolate our efforts.

WHO: We believe the wisdom is in the room. Together, we can create a new paradigm.

When we come together and crowd-source our experience, knowledge, and unique skills, creativity and innovation will follow. The first step towards doing things differently is to do things together.

YOU have knowledge, experience, and skills to contribute, regardless of your role or years in healthcare. YOU can bring a unique contribution that will open the door to the difference we want to create. The difference we need to create.


Meet the Founding Members

The first two cohorts for The PX Community were piloted during the Fall of 2021. With little knowledge of what they were signing up for, eight Patient Experience professionals leaned in and said “YES!” to the experiment. They demonstrated their desire to roll up their sleeves alongside other PX professionals, collaboratively contribute, and make a ruckus to make a difference.

These Founding Members are difference makers.